Easily time labor contractions. Labor Contractions Calculator keeps track of the start time, end time, duration, and frequency of each contraction. Just press "Start" when a contraction has started. And press "Stop" when the contraction finished. I dedicate this app to my daughter who was so impatient that arrived before i've finished this app.Advantages of the program:1. Clear and easy-to-use interface2. One screen imteface - the history of labor and the timer on the same screen3. The time when water broked is always visible4. Determination of false contractions5. Determination when you have to go to the hospital6. You can delete a last record7. No Adds8. Share data via email
New in v2:1. Notifications2. The information is automatically saved if you open another application
New in v3:+ Save Data+ Request to save when you exiting+ Three important parameters of pangs - the interval, frequency, duration (thanks to the doctors and midwives for advice)+ Ability donations
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